
paeckchen (german for small parcel) is an incremental, fast and efficient JavaScript module bundler doing one thing well.

Most JavaScript module bundlers do a lot of things – being plugin pipelines, fulfilling development setup wishes, being development servers and so on. This breadth of features inevitably comes with tradeoffs.

paeckchen on the other hand is designed to do exactly one thing: It bundles your JavaScript modules. This focus allows paeckchen to do its job fast and efficiently.

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ES2015 module support

paeckchen is able to understand ES2015 module syntax. This means you do not need to transpile your sources before bundling if you perfer to use ES2015 modules.

Incremental bundling

Using the abstract syntax tree (AST) as cache structure paeckchen is really fast with updating the bundle contents.


For easier debugging bundled code source mapping is included.